Curaçao Industry Spotlight
The flagship of this project will be the Curaçao Industry Spotlight, a 14+ page editorial feature examining the recent developments, milestones and success stories from key industries across Curaçao. CINEX will be a lead contributor, providing an in-depth interview to discuss the role of CINEX in investment attraction and trade promotion as CINEX seeks to feature companies that are operating successfully in the island.
There is an opportunity for your business to be featured within the Curaçao Industry Spotlight by way of an editorial or corporate advertisement, to appear alongside CINEX as a highlighted success story.
The coverage as a participant within this project will be significant, with the content being showcased across North America Outlook’s digital publication, their sister publications worldwide, website, social media platforms as well as CINEX’s network.
If you wish to hear more about the extensive exposure across North America Outlook’s publication, or would like to have an advertised feature in the Curacao Industry Spotlight, please get in touch with Krisha Canlas – Project Manager at North America Outlook on +1 403 879 1518, +44 7925 218 954 (WhatsApp and Cell) or email her directly at [email protected]