CINEX rejoins the Board CAIPA

CINEX rejoins the Board CAIPA

The Curaçao Investment & Export Promotion Agency (CINEX) rejoins the Board of the
Caribbean Association of Investment Promotion Agencies (CAIPA)!

CINEX is glad to have been elected as Director 3 of the CAIPA 2023-2024 Board.

The Caribbean Association of Investment Promotion Agencies (CAIPA) is one of the
most important organizations in the Caribbean that promotes the region for foreign
direct investment. CAIPA organizes several events each year for investors who are
interested in the Caribbean Region and provides information about the business
climate, labor market, political stability, and living conditions in the Region. This
contributes to elevating the image and status of Curaçao and other countries within the
region as an investment location. Curaçao, as a founder member of CAIPA, has been
active since 2007 and in the past held a seat on the Board.

It has shown that Curaçao is truly a strategic investment location and understands the
value of CAIPA for the promotion of the Caribbean Region as well as for individual
countries. Together, the region has an advantage that can guarantee resilience and
sustainability for its future economic development. Jeanette Bonet, interim CEO of
CINEX states: “It is very important for Curaçao to be on the CAIPA Board and advocate
for Curaçao and the other Dutch Caribbean islands’ investment interest. We will work
together with the newly elected President Mr. Ronald Theodore, CEO of the Grenada
Investment Development Corporation to help position CAIPA as a contributor to the
integration process in the Caribbean, pulling the Caribbean together.

The CAIPA Board of Directors who were also elected to their posts on 19 December are
1st Vice President, Ms. Diane Edwards, President of JAMPRO (Jamaica), 2nd Vice
President, Dr. Leroy Almendarez, Executive Director of BELTRAIDE (Belize), Director 1,
Mr. Sekou Alleyne, President of InvesTT (Trinidad and Tobago), Director 2, Ms. Rhoda
Josephs, Executive Director of IDA (Dominica), and Director 4, Ms. Angela Musgrove,
CEO of Invest TCI (Turks and Caicos Islands). The Board will also be supported by the
outgoing President, Ms. Annette Mark, Executive Director of InvestSVG, in an ex-officio

The Caribbean Association of Investment Promotion Agencies (CAIPA) is an umbrella
organization of investment promotion agencies representing 23 countries in the Caribbean. The
Association is dedicated to strengthening its members and promoting the region as an ideal
location for investment. For more information on CAIPA, visit: